By Paul E Vallely MG, US Army (Ret)
Col. Andrew P. O’Meara, Jr., USA (Ret.)
Since the founding of the Republic, we, the people of the United States, have preserved the national legacy of the founders to protect our fellow Americans, who are God-fearing, law-abiding defenders of freedom. For two centuries, the defense of the US Constitution has protected First Amendment freedoms that have preserved our liberties, property, and religious freedom. We see this belief as self-evident.
Regrettably, in the Twenty-First Century, we find that our property, liberties, and religious faith were not secure but rather have been under daily attacks by Marxist, leftist Democrats and their moronic supporters who have been enemies of our constitutional Republic. They would redistribute wealth, creating a dictatorship in which the state owns everything. In so doing, they would destroy property owners, the clergy/religion, and the middle class – a genocide the likes of which have not been seen since Mao transformed mainland China into a Peoples’ Republic. Their proposal would be to create a so-called workers’ paradise – a society in which everyone owns everything.
These fanatic enemies of the Republic waged unremitting assaults upon our national heritage, family values, and the Constitution. They have utilized constitutionally protected rights, liberties, and academic freedom to propagate fallacies and lies of social injustice, undermine our educational institutions, defund law enforcement, and sabotage free enterprise. Their purpose was to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Then came Donald J Trump to make America great, healthy and prosperous again.
These public enemies availed themselves of American liberties to defeat the Republic. It is unconscionable that enemies of the Constitution should be allowed to employ US constitutionally protected rights to destroy the Republic. Yet, that is where we found ourselves. Our enemies used our political system to destroy our Republic by politicizing the FBI, Department of Justice and the media. Our failure to protect ourselves created what amounts to assisted suicide by our Constitutional Republic. The problem was aggravated by widespread crime, turmoil and funded protest and riots to overturn honest, fair elections by Democrats, who conducted themselves in a manner best described as Jacobins or communist radicals.
American citizens asked how we can defend our freedom in the face of ruthless attacks by Communist Revolutionaries. Delivering ourselves from their deliberate assaults requires the employment of leadership. law enforcement and national security agencies to apprehend and punish those responsible for breaking the law.
Given the capture of federal agencies (DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS) by communist traitors, we found federal law enforcement authorities working to further the Communist Revolution in America. Our best response appeared to be defunding criminal federal and state agencies while utilizing what remains of the legally functioning criminal justice system to clean out communist traitors working as federal and state employees.
The disruptive efforts of George Soros and wealthy Democrat donors aggravate the problem. These rich political activists fund like-minded communist candidates who refuse to enforce the law for public office. Once elected, the communist office-seekers paralyze the criminal justice system. The result is widespread crime, insecurity, and the collapse of the criminal justice system. By their subversion of the criminal justice system, George Soros and his wealthy partners are committing treason.
How did patriotic Americans respond to this crisis? By supporting MAGA and Donald J Trump and the patriotic American citizens that assisted state and local officials in enforcing the law to protect our communities from these deep-state criminals. We need to put the crooks behind bars where they belong. Until they are incarcerated or hung for crimes of treason, criminals must be notified that their crimes are no secret and will be punished by the law.
This application of common sense will preserve our American heritage, family values, and personal property from destruction by Communists and unwanted illegals not caring about American values and traditions that would create a socialist paradise by fundamentally transforming America.
God Bless America.