“What is actually necessary, however, is a multibillion-dollar program to build national EMP preparedness, to harden our electric grid, which will protect our military assets, infrastructure, businesses, and people,” Mr. Pompeo said.


BILL GERTZ, the RING for the Washington Times // 20 Jan 2022
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is calling for a new Reagan-era Strategic Defense Initiative to counter growing nuclear and conventional strategic threats posed by China.
Mr. Pompeo, preempting the Biden administration’s forthcoming nuclear posture review, said a new, more robust strategic deterrence system, based on advanced weapons and capabilities, is needed to maintain peace. “A Strategic Defense Initiative for our time, the SDI II, which should exemplify former President Ronald Reagan’s vision of defense in depth, is mandatory,” Mr. Pompeo said, writing in the journal The National Interest.
The former secretary of state under President Donald Trump also warned that U.S. policies of unilateral restraint will not be matched with similar strategic restraint by China or Russia and will only increase the danger of war. “Deterrence arises from strength and never from weakness, because weakness invites belligerency,” Mr. Pompeo said. “Unilateral restraint in the maintenance and disposition of forces does not support deterrence, for deterrence cannot arise from unilateral restraint if such restraint circumscribes power in the face of burgeoning threats.
Unilateral restraint can signal weakness, which may begin a dangerous cascade of responses by nations that believe they are unbound.” President Biden is said by officials familiar with the nuclear posture review to be considering a range of limits on U.S. nuclear weapons and other strategic forces at a time when China is fielding hundreds of new strategic missiles, including an orbiting nuclear-tipped hypersonic weapon that can attack from space.
Russia also is building new missiles and other exotic strategic arms, including a nuclear armed drone torpedo capable of destroying entire port cities. Outlining what are likely to be key elements of Republican national security policies for the 2024 presidential election, Mr. Pompeo, a likely presidential candidate, stated said the nuclear triad of ground- and sea-based missiles and bombers must be preserved.
Some Biden administration officials have argued that the United States could eliminate its ground-based nuclear missiles and shift to a deterrent force of nuclear missile submarines and bombers. Mr. Biden also in the past has advocated a policy that the U.S. would not be the first nation to use nuclear arms in a conflict. Mr. Pompeo said a no-first-use policy would increase the danger of non-nuclear attacks using chemical or biological weapons.
Current plans for large-scale nuclear force modernization must not be halted, Mr. Pompeo stated. A force of at least 150 new B-21 Raider bombers, at least 12 Columbia-class missile submarines and 400 or more new Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent missiles are urgently needed to maintain deterrence against threats from China and Russia, he argued. Additionally, Mr. Pompeo called for building and deploying a new Long-Range Standoff Cruise Missile that can be launched from vulnerable and aging B-52 bombers until the new B-21s can be deployed.
New strategic defenses, including space-based missile defenses, also must be built as part of Strategic Defense Initiative II. The first SDI under Reagan helped bankrupt the Soviet Union and led to the collapse of that regime in 1991. For SDI II, new sensors and antimissile systems in space are needed to counter China’s arsenal of hypersonic missiles, which are capable of maneuvering at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound.
Confronted by the threats of devastating missile attacks against U.S. satellites by both China and Russia, “the United States has no choice but to deploy [anti-satellite] systems expeditiously,” Mr. Pompeo said. Mr. Pompeo also criticized some current senior defense and military leaders who he said appear more interested in pursuing social engineering and “woke” politics than in strengthening the fighting capacity of the military.
“Military leadership is required, but many of our nation’s civilian officials, and some of our flag officers, appear more concerned with progressive politics and sociological constructs, which should have no presence in our armed forces,” he said. “A primary mission of our military should be the fielding of crucial weapons in a timely and cost-effective manner.” The United States needs to block the possible emergence of a China-Russia alliance.
That can be done by following the Reagan-era model of reaching out to the Russian people and seeking the ouster of what Mr. Pompeo termed “kleptocratic elements within the Kremlin that seek power through volatility and subversion.” Ideologically, new efforts must be made to counter China’s communist rulers who are seeking global hegemony and the defeat of the United States as part of an updated Cold War, he said.
“Chinese nuclear forces represent a palpable threat in that their rapid expansion in capabilities is woven into conventional and regional strategies that seek to displace the United States as the preeminent power in the Indo-Pacific,” Mr. Pompeo said. “America’s position, once considered unalterable, is the foundation for peace in the Indo-Pacific and must be preserved.” Beijing will use its growing nuclear power as a final component in the Chinese Communist Party’s spectrum of power designed to intimidate and control.
“In response, America must induce economic costs for China if it does not agree to negotiate meaningful limits on its offensive nuclear capabilities, which must include its hypersonic weapons,” Mr. Pompeo said. The recently passed $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill requires spending millions of dollars to study the protection of critical U.S. infrastructure from the effects of a nuclear-detonated electromagnetic pulse attacks.
“What is actually necessary, however, is a multibillion-dollar program to build national EMP preparedness, to harden our electric grid, which will protect our military assets, infrastructure, businesses, and people,” Mr. Pompeo said.