Patriots or Fools?
Who Will Decide the Future of America
By: Charles Jones BG (USAF Ret) and Paul Valley MG (U.S. Army Ret.)
February 18, 2019
Article I, Section I clearly states – “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Each branch of government has predetermined responsibilities. The Legislative Branch passes laws while the Executive Branch’s duty is to carry out and enforce those laws.
No where in the Constitution does it say that the Executive Branch has the right to enforce some laws and ignore others. President Washington clearly stated during the Whiskey Rebellion (1791-1794), “It is my duty to see the Laws executed: to permit them to be trampled upon with impunity would be repugnant to that duty.”
Many have said that President Trump cannot deport illegal aliens just because they are here. President Roosevelt deported over 2 million people during what is known as the Mexican Repatriation Act. Truman deported over 3.4 million illegal aliens. Eisenhower deported around 2.1 million people. President Kennedy recognized the need for limitations on immigration…“There is a legitimate argument for some limitation upon immigration…we do not seek to make over the face of America.”
Today, the United States of America faces an illegal alien invasion of between 25 to 35 million illegal border crossers living inside our borders (no one knows the exact number and there could be more). We the People face additional thousands marching in Caravans toward our southern border between the US and Mexico. We cannot solve the Border national security threat by just playing defense on the border but must adapt an offensive plan as well.
Congress has not only failed to take necessary action to recognize that an invasion exists nor take necessary responsibility and action to repel this illegal, this overt and covert invasion. Today, the ‘Deep State”, Socialist Democrats, Globalists and meek Republicans are fighting our President from taking the necessary action. This is truly a “crisis” at the Border.
· How many more American citizens are going to be terrorized and murdered by the illegals?
· How much more of our tax money will be confiscated by the elected and appointed politicians to support the illegals in food stamps, housing, schooling (K-12), hospital emergency room, kidney dialysis, hospital admittance, many identified disease and sanctuary cities?
· How many more Governors’ are going to give illegals drivers licenses that allow voter fraud in all elections?
We are witnessing the eventual destruction of America! Thousands of illegals have been encouraged to apply for voting registration rights, check the American citizen block, mail in and received voting authorization which leads to fraudulent voting as witnessed in the 2018 election results. Registration Policy quietly tips the outcome of elections in heavily populated locations where the illegals take refuge.
Patriots and Fools, all, must quickly come to understand that the Congress of the United States has failed in many ways their Constitutional responsibility in National Security matters. Many of our Representatives fail to highlight human trafficking, gangs and the drug cartels and the impact on America.
Fools, you must know and understand the facts and from that knowledge come to understand that your vote at the next election will stand as a vote for your country and its future. The highest levels of technology, increased manpower and the support of our Army and National Guard have not stopped the cross-border invasion from Central America, other foreign country and agents and Mexico. The new Caravans are under way as we publish this article. There are common sense solutions to help correct and stop this ongoing illegal alien invasion. The President is correct that more barriers, and extensions of the wall are required at those vulnerable crossing sites to complement the secure border entry points.
America now has a President who, for the first time since President Reagan, is willing to stop this illegal activity invasion. We must take care of this national security issue as it will affect our children’s future and that of America. Please contact your US House Representative and your two Senators and demand that they support President Trump’s solutions.
Released and Distributed by Stand Up America US Foundation
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