Editor’s Note – Hillary’s Campaign is using the old tactic – keep telling the same lie and eventually people will believe it. There is proof from many major polls that show Hillary is not believed to be honest, and tells lies to the public – so does her campaign manager, Robby Mook.
We need to use the same tactics to demonstrate again and again her dishonesty and deviousness to those who do not know or are blind to it.
She has been caught lying about Benghazi, then she lied about her emails to cover her tracks on Benghazi, and “Clintonian” ethics continue unabated. They rely on America remaining as clueless as possible – why, because it has always worked for them.
When, if ever, will we hear any truth from Hillary? No we can just call the lies by a new name – “Mooks!”
Clinton Campaign Manager Makes Doozy of a Statement When Asked If Voters Perceive Her as Dishonest
By Mike Miller – IJReview
Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, and was asked by host John Dickerson to comment on the perception among voters that Hillary is dishonest and untrustworthy.
Dickerson pointed out to Mook that “polls have shown that voters do not trust her.”
What happened next was unbelievable. No, I mean literally unbelievable.
“Well, first of all, no poll shows that voters don’t trust Hillary Clinton. No poll says that.”
Reality begs to differ.
A June 2, 2015, Washington Post/ABC News poll found Hillary’s favorable rating at its lowest since 2008:
A big reason? Honesty.
The Post-ABC poll shows just 41 percent think she is honest and trustworthy — a number that has continued to fall amid her e-mail controversy and other issues.
It was at 46 percent in late March. A majority of Americans (52 percent) now say she is not honest.
An April, 23, 2015, Quinnipiac poll found that 54% of voters believe Hillary is not honest or trustworthy. While 62% of respondents said Hillary is a “strong leader,” pollster Tim Malloy summed it up:
“Yes she is a leader, but can she be trusted?”
To be sure, politics is about spin – always has been, always will be – but to go on national television and ask viewers to suspend disbelief (tell a bald faced lie) is indefensible.