By Scott W. Winchell, Editor
Today’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the IRS Scandal lasted less than 25 minutes, most of which was a ‘Circus’ with Elijah Cummings, the Ranking Member as the ‘Ring Master’, all to provide political cover to the IRS and the administration as new ‘smoking gun emails’ emerged.
The purpose of the hearing, as Chairman Issa took pains to make clear, was solely to continue seeking testimony, or the lack thereof, from Lois Lerner, the former Director of the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Division.
Before this hearing, there was much discussion about whether or not she would give actual testimony, and her lawyer and Issa had differing takes on what was actually said in communications prior.
Today he proved it in his opening remarks. There was an email from the committee’s counsel to her lawyer asking if she wanted a week delay, to which, in an email response comprised of a single word, her lawyer replied: “Yes!” (Emphasis added)
We encourage you to watch the entire hearing because despite Lerner declaring her fifth amendment rights repeatedly, a major scene occurred, and the ‘Circus’ began.
Ranking Member Elijah Cummings went off on Issa in what can only be described as an attempt to provide political cover for the administration.
Issa was not going to allow that circus to perform, because that is exactly what the Democrats were trying to do. It then deteriorated into a farce thanks to Cummings, the ‘Ring Leader’.
By watching the whole video, you will see how that rolled out.
Initially, it is very hard to tell if any Democrat other than Elijah Cummings and Ms. Maloney was at their seat when Issa opened the proceedings. As Issa asked Lerner several questions after reaffirming her oath, she declined to answer any of them.
It became abundantly clear to any critical thinking American that his questions were all prosecutorial as they should be. Seeing that she would not answer him, that meant she would not answer anyone’s questions, Republican or Democrat.

As the hearing begins, we see very few Democrats in their assigned stations. They only came in later to support what was obviously a pre-planned staging to support Elijah Cummings.
Knowing full well that if he went further and allowed each member to take their five minutes each, Issa knew it was just going to be a set of political statements from the left. Many would argue that the right would do the same thing, but Issa knew that too would be undue, though very unlikely, so he adjourned the hearing. However, by this time, a few Democrats had emerged to take their seats, filtering in only to support Cummings.
Cummings then erupted when he requested an answer to a procedural question and was cut off because he had no procedural question. Then it got really political. The man claiming that Issa was doing a political witch hunt, made it clear that the Democrats had another game plan, they were there only to make political statements.
Cummings called it a one-sided investigation, but images and the video show that the one-sided group was the left, hell-bent on political cover, never actually investigating. Since Issa adjourned the meeting and excused the witness, the Republicans had left but Cummings drolled on, initially in a very heated manner.

Elijah Cummings rants and raves after the mics were cut off and you can see, only a few Democrats were at the hearing, all to Cummings left. By now due to adjournment, the right side is now empty.
Cummings spoke without the sound system on and acted as if the hearing was still proceeding, for almost as long as the actual hearing lasted. It is clear when you watch and listen as the CSPAN system picked them up, that Cummings never had a question, he just wanted to have his political say. Unfortunately, that was a formal hearing, not a place for political soap box stumping. At the start the only seats filled were on the right of Issa, after it was adjourned the only seats filled were on his left.
We ask again, who is being political and who is actually doing oversight? The left smears the right and accuses them of doing what they themselves are most guilty, making a political mockery of a formal hearing that affects every American.
In our opinion, Cummings should be brought up on ethics charges for his and the actions of his party at this hearing, and the others previously held.
They spout that they are there to find the truth, but they never actually ask questions to get to the truth.
But when the Republicans ask pointed prosecutorial questions and present factual instruments, the left calls them political hacks obsessed on taking down this most scandalous administration. On the left you can see an image that Issa showed at the hearing that points out that Lois Lerner calls this “Tea Party matter, very dangerous.”
Once you have viewed the video of the hearing, please note the second video of the exit interviews on Fox News.
Every American, left or right, should be hopping mad at what the “Cummings Crew” is doing to make sure no one is held responsible and to allow the IRS to continue to intrude on our first amendment rights.
It is also of note that due to Issa’s investigations, with the help of Congressman Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy, new individual names, agencies, and evidence are involved and tangible proof will likely lead to the FEC and perhaps contempt of congress for at least Lois Lerner.
Near the very end, one Democrat on the Committee can be overheard saying that by Issa leaving after adjournment, “He took the fifth Elijah,” now wasn’t that cute to answer Cummings question, “what are you hiding Mr. Chairman?”
Here is the actual hearing in full:
Here is the interview video: