Editor’s Note – Are we at a “Watergate Moment” now that we have learned of the “Smoking Gun” email that should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back concerning Hillary Clinton?

Will FBI Director Jim Comey send a set of criminal referrals to the Department of Justice as we believe he should?

The latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department early Friday contain what may be the smoking gun that forces the Justice Department to charge the former secretary of state with a crime, according to former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova.13HoursBenghaziBook

“This is gigantic,” said diGenova. “She caused to be removed a classified marking and then had it transmitted in an unencrypted manner. That is a felony. The removal of the classified marking is a federal crime.

It is the same thing to order someone to do it as if she had done it herself.”

On the June 17, 2011, email chain with senior State Department adviser Jake Sullivan, Clinton apparently asked Sullivan to change the marking on classified information so that it is no longer flagged as classified.

Clinton, using her private email server, asks for “the TPs,” apparently a reference to talking points being prepared for her. Sullivan, who is using his official State Department email, responds, “They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax.

They’re working on it.” Clinton responds, “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w[ith] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.” (Read more here at Drudge.)

What will Lynch do if Comey does recommend prosecutions? We are certain Hillary Clinton should be disqualified from pursuing office for many other reasons not the least of which were he actions concerning Benghazi but this many individual felonious acts warrant a much swifter prosecution of the law than we have experienced because of her “special status”.


With the movie “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” coming to theaters next week, we believe America will demand that she be prosecuted.

We have not even mentioned all the questionable activity over the Clinton Foundation and numerous other issues but we are certain of one thing, America cannot afford another epic mistake in the election of our President after these past 7 years.

Hillary Clinton’s criminal probe will ‘come to a head’ in next 60 days; indictment likely, says ex-US attorney

By Frieda Powers – BPR BizPac Review

The ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails has not yet landed the Democratic candidate an interview with the FBI, but a former U.S. attorney thinks a criminal indictment could be coming in the next 60 days.

Former Republican U.S. attorney, Joe DiGenova, said a charge against Clinton personally would put the current administration in a very uncomfortable position, reported the Washington Examiner. The open FBI investigation is Clinton’s “biggest problem right now,” DiGenova said on the “Laura Ingraham Show” radio program, Tuesday.


DiGenova, a Republican who served as a federal prosecutor under former President Ronald Reagan, told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham that the FBI’s
investigation has reached a “critical mass” and the evidence against the former secretary of state is damning. (The Blaze)

“They have reached a critical mass in their investigation of the secretary and all of her senior staff,” he said. “And, it’s going to come to a head, I would suggest, in the next 60 days.”

Before making any findings public, the FBI would still likely need to interview the former secretary of state, DiGenova said. After months of investigating whether Clinton and her staff mishandled classified information on an unsecured network, FBI Director James Comey has not disclosed when the probe will conclude.

“It’s going to be a very complex matter for the Department of Justice, but they’re not going to be able to walk away from it,” said DiGenova. “They are now at over 1,200 classified emails. And, that’s just for the ones we know about from the State Department. That does not include the ones that the FBI is, in fact, recovering from her hard drives.”

While the Clinton campaign has insisted it is not a criminal investigation of the candidate personally, DiGenova maintained that the evidence otherwise is “compelling” and “overwhelming.” The Obama administration would find itself in a corner as the burden would lie with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to charge Clinton personally with a crime.

“The evidence against the Clinton staff and the secretary,” said DiGenova,  “is so overwhelming at this point that if, in fact, she chooses not to charge Hillary, they will never be able to charge another federal employee with the negligent handling of classified information. The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if she refuses to bring charges.”

“I believe,” DiGenova added, “that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable.”