Obama’s Swaps Israel for Iran
Connecting Events Across the Globe that Prove Iran is a Grave Threat to America
By Scott W. Winchell and Denise Simon, SUA Staff
Several stories in the news of late are seemingly unrelated but when we take a closer view, one thread connects them, Iran. Now ask yourself, is Iran a threat to America and how is Obama handling that threat?
Let us list a few events for you and then try to show the ties that bind them all in an interesting fashion. Please understand, if these questions are not answered, we have a problem that is biblical in scale and some people have a lot of explaining to do – Mr. Obama, and not to the Glo-Zelle’s of the world!
Just in the last few days and weeks we watched as terrorists attacked in Paris, then there was a massive hunt by European authorities seeking other terror suspects across the continent and elsewhere, and news that an impending attack was quashed. Soon after, a unity gathering of massive proportions was held and no one of import from our government was sent to attend. Why?
We also found out that a rift had opened between French President Hollande and Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The rift widened because Netanyahu questioned France’s ability to safeguard Jews living in France and Hollande told Netanjahu not to attend.
He did attend however and gave a speech where he told France’s Jews that they would be welcomed back in Israel. The French government “fumed” over it. Has France thrown Israel under the bus as well?
Soon after, the White House admitted it erred in not sending a higher ranking official and sent John Kerry to France on the now famous “big hug” tour with James Taylor in tow. Then there was the very awkward clench Kerry initiated and would not break from with Hollande.
Egg on the face was an understatement. But why really did the White House seemingly spurn the importance of the gathering? Would talks with Iran been jeopardized?
We then witnessed the President’s State of the Union address for 2015, and a state visit from British Prime Minister David Cameron and a puzzling joint press conference prior.
Much has been written about how Obama did not address foreign affairs adequately, but in both the SOTU and the Joint Press conference, we saw that Iran was once again being addressed very oddly, why?
Why are Cameron and Obama so in sync over the Iranian talks where deadlines had been postponed twice prior? Here is excerpt of his speech on Iran:
Our diplomacy is at work with respect to Iran, where, for the first time in a decade, we’ve halted the progress of its nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material.
Between now and this spring, we have a chance to negotiate a comprehensive agreement that prevents a nuclear-armed Iran; secures America and our allies – including Israel; while avoiding yet another Middle East conflict.
There are no guarantees that negotiations will succeed, and I keep all options on the table to prevent a nuclear Iran.
But new sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails – alienating America from its allies; and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again.
It doesn’t make sense. That is why I will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress. The American people expect us to only go to war as a last resort, and I intend to stay true to that wisdom. (Emphasis added.)
Really Mr. President. “It doesn’t make sense?” It is clear to us that you do not make sense.
Since the SOTU, a very big surprise emerged, Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, without prior consultation with the White House.
Of course the response from the White House was immediate and they called his move a breech of protocol. The Obama administration said they would not meet with Netanyahu because it was too close to his election date.

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad (R) shakes hands with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in Damascus April 4, 2007. REUTERS/SANA (SYRIA)
Again, the subject here is Iran and the White House is not happy at all despite “plausible” excuses from Josh Earnest.
Even Nancy Pelosi, the then Speaker of the House who flew to talk to Assad in Syria during the Bush Presidency in 2007 is now decrying Boehner’s act as suspect, asking if it was to bolster Netanyahu’s election chances in two weeks? Talking points?
In the joint press conference we also learned that Cameron and many other European leaders were backing Obama on Iran.
Cameron even undertook the extraordinary step of lobbying our Senators on the subject. In that press conference Obama admonished Congress to “hold your fire” on Iran. Again, why? Even some in his own party are questioning his stance.
Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) criticized the Obama administration’s Iran rhetoric for sounding “like talking points that come straight out of Tehran” and supporting “the Iranian narrative of victimization” before a Senate hearing on Wednesday.
Then news came out of Argentina, yes way down there, about a curious case involving international intrigue, and you guessed it, Iran’s involvement. How does Argentina mesh with all these other curiosities? What we know now is that the “Argentine prosecutor who had accused both the president and the Iranians of covering up the country’s worst terrorist attack.”
He had been uncovering clues and facts dating back to the 1994 attack perpetrated on a Jewish center was about to testify that Iran was behind it all. Well, he turned up dead over the weekend and it definitely was not a suicide we now know.
Incidentally, Argentina was negotiating in Aleppo with Iran to circumvent sanctions on them back in the “Oil for Food” program in Iraq days long ago.
In the centre of Buenos Aires, a Renault van packed with over 600lbs of explosives was detonated on July 18 in front of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association, or AMIA – Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina.
The building collapsed, killing 85 people and injuring over 300. It was the worst terrorist attack in Argentina‘s history, and a terrible blow to South America’s largest Jewish community. An estimated 300,000 Jewish people live in Argentina – the sixth largest Jewish population in the world.
Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor was initially declared a suicide, but now we know that is not true either. What makes this tie to Iran so interesting is that he uncovered that Iran had been setting a terror network up in South America.
Iran’s tentacles seem box the compass and yet Obama is so determined to allow diplomacy to work its magic, yet Iran has no intention, nor will it negotiate ever in believable terms.
Also curious, just as this was unfolding “Israeli tourists were targeted in an anti-Semitic attack at an Argentina hostel” where a four-hour standoff resulted in injuries to police as well.
Now we come back to Boehner’s invitation, it seems the White House has already stated it will not meet with Netanjahu before or after his speech to the joint session of Congress. Why? Maybe Tony Blinken’s testimony Wednesday is more telling than is being reported:
A senior official in the State Department admitted on Wednesday that the Obama administration’s goal during negotiations with Iran is delaying the regime’s development of nuclear weapons rather than shutting down the Islamic Republic’s contested nuclear program.
Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken acknowledged during a tense exchange with senators on Capitol Hill a deal being sought by the Obama administration that would constrain its nuclear breakout capability without eliminating its nuclear program.
Blinken also floated the possibility of extending nuclear talks past the June deadline should additional time be needed to finalize details of a possible deal with Iran.
We have seen how Obama has spurned Netanjahu on several occasions, and watched John Kerry place heavy pressure on Israel in affairs concerning peace efforts with the Palestinians with clear disregard for Israel’s security. Of course Kerry’s efforts failed miserably, but why so much pressure on Israel.
Then we learned yesterday that the Israelis have discovered a new missile silo with intercontinental capability near the capital Tehran. But neither Obama nor Kerry will meet with him before the March elections and on the day of his speech scheduled for March 3rd.
But Obama will meet with the YouTube queen; “Glo-Zelle?”
In Obama’s SOTU he talked about an Iran that had ceased in its efforts to enrich nuclear fuel, but that too was not true.
The UN’s IAEA slammed Iran in the recent past and had indicated that Iran’s actions could not be validated and most experts know that Obama was out-of-touch with reality on the subject like he was on the status of actions against the Islamic State. Again, why?
Why is Obama and many in Europe so interested in slamming Israel and coddling Iran? Why is Iran so favored by Obama, maybe not in his words, but surely in his actions? We harken back to Obama’s “red line” in Syria, did he back down then because of his explainable favoritism for Iran?
Now that Sana’a, Yemen has fallen to Houthi Shiites supported by Iran, and Iran now controls at least four Middle East capitals; Damascus, Tehran, Sana’a, Baghdad, and arguably Beirut, Obama is detached, and/or showing that he is intentionally inept.
Incidentally, State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki showed how woefully they were informed by a journalist yesterday in her briefing.
We also just learned that Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died, opening yet another question of great import, in which direction will the new king, his half-brother Salman will take our relationship. It has been a tepid relationship to say the least in their attempt to “kill American oil” and the way Obama has handled Syria.
While Iran is so clearly unworthy of joining the “community of nations” as a trusted equal, why is Obama so dead set on making them so, especially at Israel’s peril.
Maybe John Boehner has been waiting for just the right moment to expose the answer to some of these questions.
When Obama so clearly tells a story that misleads the American people, we are glad at SUA that Boehner invited Netanyahu to tell the real story, here, in a manner the White House can only try to “spin” away.
The excuse of the “proximity” to the Israeli elections is clear to critical thinkers, he has always hated Netanyahu and wants him to lose so his goals with Iran can be achieved.
Remember also, Russia just signed a pact with Iran on military cooperation, is Obama once again “bowing” to Putin as well? After all, Iran has been cultivating South America for years, all in line with Russia’s goals.
To top it off and bring us back to our original question ponder this – in December of 2010, our presumptive next Attorney General was instrumental in gaining the conviction of the cell that planned to blow up JFK airport in New York. In that trial it was clear, Iran and its network in South America were up to their eyeballs in the plot:
At trial, Kadir, a former member of the Guyanese parliament, admitted that he regularly passed information to Iranian authorities about sensitive topics, including the Guyanese military, and believed himself bound to follow fatwas from Iranian religious leaders.
On June 2, 2007, Kadir was arrested in Trinidad aboard a plane headed to Venezuela, en route to Iran. He was subsequently extradited to the United States. (Also, read more here.)
Let us also not forget the foiled 2011 plot to kill a Saudi Arabian in DC. No threat to America Geraldo? What next, Palestinian and Iranian wings at the soon to come Obama Library in Chicago?
Coming to a shore near you? Israeli video of the new Iranian ICBM silo near Tehran: