Editor’s Note – A couple weeks ago, just prior to Independence Day, Bill Whittle recorded one of his now famous ‘Afterburner’ monologues, this time on the subject of the ‘sordid history’ of the Democratic Party and racism called “Pin the tale on the Donkey.”

In the video below, Bill details something we at SUA have been beating the drum about for years – how the Democrats re-wrote history to claim the high ground in America’s battle over race issues. In his own inimitable manner, Bill covers about 165 years of American history to quickly describe the truth behind the emancipation of the black minority in about 13 minutesDemoAssLogo

Whittle nails it of course and it is well-timed in these days and months following the events in Baltimore and Ferguson, the Treyvon Martin shooting, and our President’s constant drumbeat about police brutality, voter suppression, ID Cards, The Supreme Court ruling of Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, and so much more regarding discrimination in America.

The fact is, as Bill points out, somewhere along the way in our recent history, the Democrats changed tactics and flipped history on its ear and continues to try and hide their past and blame Republicans for everything that ails the black community today.

In the video, Bill asks you to “look it up,” so we are providing a quick way to do just that.

In May of 2012, we published an article that goes into the subject in quite a bit more detail on that hidden history and names the names, and chronicles the events in detail. Here is just an excerpt, but we encourage you to read the lengthy treatise so you can use facts to battle the left’s sophistry:

A little known fact of history involves the heavy opposition to the civil rights movement by several prominent Democrats. Similar historical neglect is given to the important role Republicans played in supporting the civil rights movement. A calculation of 26 major civil rights votes from 1933 through the 1960’s civil rights era shows that Republicans favored civil rights in approximately 96% of the votes, whereas the Democrats opposed them in 80% of the votes!

These facts are often intentionally overlooked by the left wing Democrats for obvious reasons. In some cases, the Democrats have told flat out lies about their shameful record during the civil rights movement. (Read more here.)

At least once a year we like to revisit this subject to continually remind people to check the facts, especially when they are uttered by such trustworthy candidates running for President like Mrs. Clinton. In the coming election cycle, America must educate herself so we do not make such “fundamental” mistakes as we did in 2008 and 2012.

Many others have tried to expose these truths, and in 2014 former Rep. Allen West took a crack at it as well, and like Bill Whittle points a very dark cold stare at those so upset over the use of the “N-word” in one of the most famous racist quotes of the modern era where Democrats flipped the story:

Republican President Eisenhower ordered troops to enforce school desegregation. Republican Senator Everett Dirksen enabled the 1964 civil rights legislation to pass, in opposition to Democrat Senators Robert Byrd (KKK Grand Wizard) and Al Gore, Sr.

As a matter of fact, it was Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson who stated, “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs. (Read the rest here.)

Remember these numbers as you watch below:

Democrat opposition to the Civil Rights Act was substantial enough to literally split the party in two. A whopping 40% of the House Democrats VOTED AGAINST the Civil Rights Act, while 80% of Republicans SUPPORTED it. Republican support in the Senate was even higher. Similar trends occurred with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was supported by 82% of House Republicans and 94% of Senate Republicans. (Read more here.)